Love fiercely. Because this all ends.

“Set fire to the broken pieces; start anew.” 
~Lauren DeStefano

Happy New Year!

That's what we are all supposed to say, right? New beginnings. Clean slates. Or, as made famous in Frozen, "let it go.... let it go...."

I've never been one for new year's resolutions, but I've always liked the feeling of starting fresh and not rehashing past transgressions - if I can help it. I'm not going to sit here and say I'm above holding a grudge or that I don't learn from my mistakes by remembering them. But I do love beginning again without dwelling too much on the failures of days gone by.

This year I've adopted a motto. It's actually the title of this post. I guess it might seem a tad morbid to some, but it's a reminder that everything around me is fleeting. It all has an end. Even when it's hard to love someone, and even when I don't even want to love myself, I intend to love fiercely.

I hope this pandemic loses steam so that I can travel more. Seeing my friends who don't live close by renews my soul. Spending time reminiscing and laughing might be my very favorite thing to do. Having been blessed to grow up in the same small town my whole childhood afforded me some relationships that not everyone gets. I don't take those for granted. They are the people who I can be 100% authentic with and can always count on to make me laugh. (As usual, I have a song for this... I'll put it at the end.) I want to see more of my people and less of my living room. It's time to kick up my heels a bit and enjoy the company of others. Especially enjoy the company of those who have known me forever!

Another part of my plan is to make effort. Sadie and I talk about this a lot. Making an effort goes a really long way in showing others how much you care about them. It doesn't even take a lot. Just a quick authentic text - or a "hey, come over" does wonders. I want to be better at that; and, I've committed myself to saying yes when someone else makes the effort. You should join me. Make effort. Ask the question or suggest the activity. Say yes. We'll all be glad we did it!

And, not the last of my plans, but certainly one that will follow my motto: I'm letting go of more of the broken parts. I just can't hang on to the things that don't work. Change is really hard for me, but I know that making room for better things is the right thing to do. I've been slowly clearing out the basement and getting rid of things I don't need. I'm through trying to make people or things or situations fit into my life that has also changed so much. Just as my motto says, I will love fiercely. That doesn't really leave room for lukewarm affection for some lamp that came out of some grandma's house 30 years ago or for someone who only wants to be around when it's convenient. It's a decluttering, I guess. Keep what works and add things that make life happier! 

Who knows if I'm ready for 2021. Hell, I don't know that I'm even ready for tomorrow. But here we go. Day 2 seems pretty good so far. Dinner plans with some friends - and most of the Christmas decorations are down. That's a start. 

I wish you an abundance of love. Remember, this all ends. So, love fiercely.


  1. Love it Charee! Looking forward to more wisdom from you.

  2. Wise words!! Love you deeply, friend!!


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